This past week has been phone calls phone calls phone calls. Lots of business swag is arriving and we are getting ready to start fundraising! The beginning fundraising will go to acquiring our first dogs to be placed with volunteer trainers. We are still weeks away from our first dog but so many things are still happening.

We have signed up to volunteer at Linde Oktoberfest Tulsa this year! We will need as many volunteers as we can get. Oktoberfest invites nonprofits to work their booths and in return pays per volunteer that goes directly to the organization. How awesome is that?? We will be involved in beer service! WOO!
Next up, I am working on selling some cool t-shirts that anyone would love as part of a fundraiser for us. Even that presents challenges.

This whole experience has been so much fun learning and getting excited for what is to come. The team has been there every step of the way and I can't wait to get started on our curriculum. We have so many fun things in store!